Today we made Pizzelles! It's been two years since I last made them. I forgot how long they take! They're super easy-peasy, but most traditional pizzelle makers cook only two at a time, so it takes a hot minute to cook a normal-sized batch. And I suppose "normal size" for me means for a family of six! My 4 children love these Italian cookies. They're not super sweet (as most Italian desserts), so you can put more of them away without the sugary crash.
My (ex)mother-in-law handed this recipe down to me when I took over baking the desserts for our Italian restaurant. I should just stick to the traditional citrus recipe, but I like to try other flavors. Still, nothing seems to beat the traditional lemony citrus flavor! With this last batch, I halved the recipe and added lemon extract to one half, and powdered cinnamon to the other.
I used my Kitchen Aid mixer to combine and beat the ingredients. It makes quick work and allows you to add the eggs and dry ingredients while it's still doing the work for you. I'll have all of my kitchen utensils that I used listed on my Get My Faves tab for your easy shopping convenience. Enjoy!! Ruby
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January 2025