My Valentine's Day came early this year. Because my youngest daughter schedule is that she will be with me on Valentine's Day, my man and I set a date for the Tuesday before V-Day.
It was nerve-wracking trying to keep my excitement contained throughout my work day. Feeling only a little bit of anxiety... Should I do this? ... Should I do that? If I've learned anything about Randy, it's don't overthink things. Keep it simple! As soon as I walked in the door of my apartment, I realized that Sid the Cat had had a visitor at some point during the day, because there was a bouquet of roses in the middle of my dining table that hadn't been there that morning when I had left for work. (Nicely played, honey!) The menu (planned by Randy - because hey, I just really don't cook!) consisted of king crab, steak, etc... I couldn't resist a peak in the fridge. Even knowing what I'd see, the crab legs seemed to jump out at me and gave me a little start. Because yes, I WAS a king crab virgin. And YES, I will be indulging again! Yu-UM! This man... for as simple as he says it is, he sure makes everything seem so gourmet. Everything cooked to perfection and perfectly portioned and plated. Dinner, wine (Clos du Bois Chardonnay 'Lightly Bubbled'), conversation, cribbage.... I don't believe a more perfect evening could have been scripted. Everything fell together perfectly. I felt like this was my first real Valentine's Day. And in a sense, it was. I know it sounds cliche, but I truly thank God for putting this man on earth, and for allowing us to find each other. As we sat with full bellies, enjoying the last of the wine, chatting about whatever, he casually mentioned he had one more surprise for 'us'. Really?! The evening couldn't BE more perfect. I was wrong! He pulled a small package out of his shirt pocket and presented me with enso silicone rings (see the pic below). One for him, one for me, to wear on our right hands, as a sign of our commitment to each other. I couldn't have been more tickled. I loved it! I loved what he said to me, and I love what they mean. I love this man! (I think I've mentioned that.... maybe, yes?) Unfortunately, mine was a teense too snug to wear on my ring finger, but a teense to large to wear on my pinkie finger, so it is being returned and a size up has been ordered. I'm sooooo excited to get it back! So another phenomenal evening under the belt for this couple... And one indescribably perfect Valentine's Day! I wish you all a fantastic day full of love and affection. You're great and you deserve it! Happy Valentine's Day!
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January 2025